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Ignite Arena[edit | edit source]

The original and primary function of IgniteVR is to host the Arena team. The current members are Far, Wolf_23, VTSxKING, Dual-, and NtsFranz. Ignite competed in ESL Season 3 and all seasons of VRML.

Combat team[edit | edit source]

There once was a combat team. No longer.[edit | edit source]

Ignite's homepage contains information about some of the projects and about the team.[edit | edit source]

The twitch stream hosts a 24/7 spectator view of the higheset level public Arena matches at the time. This stream is also the vehicle for collecting data about public matches that powers multiple other projects. Players can watch themselves from a spectator's perspective after the fact if they see that their match is being observed.[edit | edit source]

The main source of statistical information about public matches. As matches are streamed on the 24/7 Twitch stream, the data collected is then uploaded to a database and accessible through this page. Players can be searched by name with an autofill feature that helps in the case that the name is difficult to spell. The page includes detailed numbers about each statistic, as well as 3D and 2D maps of goal positions within the arena and the goal itself. Players can also opt-in to see more detailed and personal information, such as estimated height, exact match times, and average play times.[edit | edit source]

Playercards were introduced on May 23 2021, and feature a series of bars denoting a player's average value for each statistic compared to other players, as well as their team affiliation with VRML.[edit | edit source]

The guide to EchoVR's historical and current competitive information. u r here.

List of Fastest Jousts on Echopedia[edit | edit source]

Fastest Jousts

This page enumerates the fastest jousts observed by casters during VRML seasons 2-3. This data was collected by Spark.[edit | edit source]

A page that shows detailed graphs showing the exact acceleration and speeds involved for each player in a joust. This can be used to analyze which parts of a joust are fast or slow.

Spark[edit | edit source]

The Ignite project with likely the most investment. Spark is a Windows desktop program that can record, process, and upload EchoVR data from either a local EchoVR client or an Oculus Quest on the same network. For a much more detailed list of features, check out the main article on the Echopedia.

Caster Desk / league tools[edit | edit source]

Ignite provides various leagues tools to show match statistics during and after casted matches. Additionally, the Caster Desk is a series of pages that allows casters to very quickly set up overlays for a stream by automatically pulling team names, logos, and player information from VRML's API.

Playspace movement analysis tool[edit | edit source]

A simple tool to visualize playspace movement on 3D and 2D graphs. This is best used with the replay clips feature of Spark.

Ignite Discord bot[edit | edit source]

The discord bot responds to the command !stats with shortened list of statistics found on Optionally, users can specify a player name to search for specific stats. The discord bot has been added to tens of servers, including the main Echo Games server.

Ignite Discord Server[edit | edit source]

Ignite maintains a community on discord, with one of the largest and most active communities in the game.

Channels of note:

#best-of-echo-community[edit | edit source]

A place where people post screenshots of the best moments from all around the EchoVR community.

#best-of-ignitvr-stream[edit | edit source]

A place to post clips from the 24/7 Twitch stream. Clips posted here can be potentially used in the Best of Ignite compilation series on YouTube.

#graphs-only[edit | edit source]

Some interesting graphs generated from the massive database of player statistics that Ignite has accumulated.

YouTube Channel[edit | edit source]

Twitter & Instagram[edit | edit source]

Most if not all Ignite social media accounts are maintained by Rockett- at the moment, And a side from the previously mention Ignite discord server and website is the next best method of staying up to date with all Ignite news and project updates.

Spark Mini[edit | edit source]

A much less featured version of Spark that will be available on mobile phones and non-Windows computers. Spark Mini is still early in testing.

Merch[edit | edit source]

Ignite has sold limited edition merchandise from the website.

Block Map[edit | edit source]

An interactive visualization of the Arena with labels on each of blocks. Players can vote for preferred names, and the most popular names will appear at the top of the list. This is a useful way to learn the most popular callouts.

IgniteCoin[edit | edit source]

A cryptocurrency currently being developed by VTSxKING. Currently the project is a proof-of-work bitcoin fork but the project may transition into a proof-of-stake token on other existing blockchains. This is entirely dependent on future plans for crypto-related projects yet to be finalized or even proposed.