
From Echopedia

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The source for EchoVR history and community knowledge. Search for a player or team name, or explore using the links below. Please contribute to the shared knowledge on this site, but be aware that changes to team and player pages may be overridden if they are not contained within the section at the top for user contributions, as these pages are generated automatically. At the top of each player and team page, there is a section where user contributions will be kept across updates!

Arena Block Map

Tools[edit | edit source]

Commmunity Tools
Replay Viewer
Echo Shadow
Spark Mini

Recently Added[edit | edit source]

Echo Online - Echopedia

Echo Arena Skills Map (MoneyMitch26) Echo Arena Skills Map (DocEducation)

Echo Pass

Echo VR Command Line Arguments

Lone Echo Command Line Arguments

Lone Echo II Speedrunning Guide

Playspace Abuse

Records[edit | edit source]

Fastest Jousts 💨

Echo VR Tutorial Speedrun - WR: 3.25.23. Currently held by ConDawgB (11/13/22)


Hall of Fame of the winners of previous seasons:
List of all the people involved in VRML:
VRML Personnel